A Shady Plot Summary

CBSE Notes for A Shady Plot Summary - Chapter 4

The writer, Mr. Hallock, was told by his employer Mr. Jenkins to write a ghost story. He told Mr. Hallock to write a very horrifying story with supernatural elements because the public liked this kind of stories. The writer agreed to this proposal for no one else printed his stuff. He was surprised how he could have written the earlier ghost stories for he was not a specialist in this genre. Whenever he had decided to write a ghost story, surprisingly the plot had appeared from nowhere.

The writer sat down to pen the story, though no idea occurred to him. In fact, his mind was wandering towards his wife’s shopping trips and other unghostly things. The writer loudly said, ‘‘This writing business is delightful, isn’t it?” and to his surprise, a voice at the other end of the room said, “Yes it is.” The writer was surprised to see a figure taking shape gradually. It was a woman, tall and angular, with enormous fishy eyes, wearing spectacles. She came and stood before the writer. Please refer A Shady Plot Summary for more revision notes.


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