A Tiger in the Zoo Summary

A Tiger in the Zoo Summary Class 10 English

‘ATiger in the Zoo’ is a lovely poem by Leslie Norris.I’ltis poem contrasts a tiger in the zoo to the tiger I its natural habitat. The poem moves from the zoo to the jungle, and back again to the zoo. In his natural surrounding, the tiger is happy and joyful. But in a cage, he is full of rage and trouble. The poem shows the great importance of freedom. 

In this poem, Leslie Norris has given an appropriate description of a tiger. This poem contrasts a tiger in the zoo in his cage with the tiger in its natural habitat. The poem moves from the zoo to the jungle, and back again to the jungle. The poet sees a tiger full of rage but quiet, moving in his cage in a starry night. The poet feels that the tiger should have been moving freely in the forest and hunting at his will. But now he is locked in a concrete cell behind the bars. At night he watches stars with his brilliant eyes and longs for freedom. Please refer A Tiger in the Zoo Summary for more information.


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