An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Summary

CBSE Notes for An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Summary

The poem describes an elementary school classroom in a slum. These slum children look very pathetic. Their faces are pale and reflect sadness. They are ‘like rootless weeds’ as they lack proper nutrition. Moreover, they are unwanted plants which grow on their own without being cared for, totally neglected. The tall girl has a ‘weighed – down head’ as she is burdened with the load of poverty. In fact she is so subdued and suppressed that her head had bowed down with the burden of her misfortunes. The ‘paper thin’ – extremely thin boy has ‘rat’s eyes’ because the poor undernourished boy is deprived of all the basic amenities of life. He is timid like a rat and full of anxiety, he searches for food and security. This unfortunate boy suffers from malnutrition and his growth is also ‘stunted’ not properly developed. He has also inherited from his father ‘twisted bones’ – bent and distorted bones. He has inherited the poverty, disease and despair from his parents. 

His body is also deformed because of the twisted bones which he has inherited. He appears to be as sick as his parents. There is a sweet tender looking student who sits at the back of the class. This boy is different from the others as ‘his eyes live’ in a dream – he is dreaming and probably thinking about a better future. He is lost in his own world, therefore, not sad like the others. This boy thinks of the ‘squirrel’s game’ (metaphor). He wants to enjoy and play freely like the squirrel in the garden outside. The squirrel climbs trees and hides in their holes. The boy also dreams to be free but he cannot as he must sit in the dull and dreary classroom. In the boys imagination ‘tree room’ – the hollow in a tree, is full of fun, curiosity and mystery. This is in contrast to the gloomy classroom. Please refer An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum Summary for more information.


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