Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes

CBSE Notes for Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes

The Constitution of India was implemented on 26th January 1950. Our Constitution accepts the necessity of modifications according to changing needs of the society. Secondly, in the actual working of the Constitution, there has been enough flexibility of interpretations. Both political practice and judicial rulings have shown maturity and flexibility in implementing the Constitution. A constitution is an instrument that societies create for themselves. Our Constitution makers placed the Constitution above the ordinary law, so that, the future generation will respect the document. Flexible constitutions are open to changes and easy to modify w whereas Rigid constitutions are difficult to amend. Federalism means that the powers of the states must not be at the mercy of the central government. Please refer Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes for more information.

Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes


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