Dust of Snow Summary

Dust of Snow Summary Class 10 English

Robert Frost, a well known American poet of nature, in this poem presents a moment that seems simple but has a larger significance. It is a highly symbolic poem. One day the poet was in a depressed mood. A pleasant thing happened in a tree. It changed the poet’s mood. It saved the rest of the day for the poet.

Dust of Snow’ is an awful poem of nature by Robert Frosty In this poem a symbolic incident is present The poet is standing under a hemlock tree. He is in a sad mood. He thinks that his day has been lost then a crow shakes the hemlock tree-and the dust of snow falls on him. This little incident brings about a sudden change in the state of the poet’s mind. His mood has ‘changed. He thinks that it has saved the rest of his day and gets busy with his work like the crow. Please refer Dust of Snow Summary for more revision notes.


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