Fire and Ice Summary

Fire and Ice Summary Class 10 English

‘Fire and Ice’ is a symbolic poem by Robert Frost. The poet wants to aware the humanity that everything will end one day as a result of human misdeeds’. The poet says that both fire and ice are destructive. Fire of violent desires will put the world to an end. If the world had to perish twice then it will be-perished by-. the hatred between man and man. Ice has been presented as a symbol of hatred.

`Fire and Ice’, is an extremely compact little lyric. Not a syllable is wasted. The theme of the poem is the age-old question. The question is whether the world will end in fire or in ice. The poet decides that any of the two options would achieve its purpose sufficiently well. The poet shares the common belief that everything that exists will have its end too. People are divided on this issue. Some think that the natural element of fire will cause the destruction of this world. Others believe that ice will be the cause of the end. Putting in terms of human emotions, the element of ‘fire’ stands for passions, desires, and love. Unbridled passions and desires can cause the end of the world. The poet has experienced both these emotions. It doesn’t matter how the world will end. Even hate born out of cold and icy reason is sufficient to cause destruction and the end of the world. Please refer Fire and Ice Summary for more revision notes.


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