Mijbil the Otter Summary

CBSE Notes for Mijbil the Otter Summary - Chapter 8

The author lived in a cottage in Camusfeama in Scotland. He had a pet dog Jonnie. When Jonnie died, he did keep a dog again for some time. But life without a pet was lonely. So he decided to have another pet. He didn’t want to have a dog. In 1956, he went to Southern Iraq. He had decided by them that he would keep an otter as a pet instead of a dog. His home in Scotland had much water around it. So it would be suitable for an otter.

The author shared this idea with a friend. He supported the idea and suggested that he should take an otter from the Tigris marshes. He said that otters were in plenty at that place. He and his friend decided to go to Basra for an otter. Please refer Mijbil the Otter Summary for more information.


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